
%0 Conference Proceedings
%@isbn 978-85-7669-273-7
%T WWW Khorosware on digital image processing
%D 1995
%A Lotufo, Roberto de Alencar,
%A Jordán, Ramiro,
%@affiliation Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade Estadual (FEE) de Campinas (UNICAMP)
%@affiliation University of New Mexico
%E Lotufo, Roberto de Alencar,
%E Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino d'Ávila,
%B Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, 8 (SIBGRAPI)
%C São Carlos, SP, Brazil
%8 25-27 Oct. 1995
%I Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
%J Porto Alegre
%P 295-298
%S Anais
%K System Kroros, processameno digital, interactive image.
%X This paper presents how the Kroros system, hypertext (html), and network browsers can be integrated to produce an interactive Digital Image Processing Khorosware to enhance our ability to learn and work together across geographical, temporal and cultural distances. This new interactive course is available via WWW. The success of the Khorosware lies on its broad technology base which encourages and facilitates collaboration.
%9 Geral (Comunicações)
%@language en
%3 40 WWW Khorosware on digital.pdf
